jquery browser ie

Today we have brought together every method we know of how to check the version of Internet Explorer using JavaScript and jQuery. ... Check for IE10 using JavaScript Browser agent sniffer. (function() { "use strict"; var tmp = (document["do

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  • Please use the jQuery Migrate plugin if $.browser is required, rewrite the code, or usenav...
    5 Ways to Fix jQuery $.browser function missing not found — SitePoint
  • Today we have brought together every method we know of how to check the version of Interne...
    5+ ways to check IE version using JavaScript/jQuery — SitePoint
  • Browser Support search Search jQuery Browser Support Current Active Support Desktop Chrome...
    Browser Support | jQuery
  • Detect IE version with JavaScript. Updated to recognize Internet Explorer 12 and the new E...
    Detect Internet Explorer (IE) up to version 11 and Edge (12+) - CodePen
  • README.md A jQuery plugin for browser detection. jQuery v1.9.1 dropped support for browser...
    GitHub - gabceb/jquery-browser-plugin: A jQuery plugin for browser detection
  • 2009年12月22日 - The jQuery documentation for jQuery.browser shows the following warning. (E...
    internet explorer - Detecting IE using jQuery - Stack Overflow
  • Check if user is using IE with jQuery Ask Question up vote 196 down vote favorite 79 I am ...
    javascript - Check if user is using IE with jQuery - Stack Overflow
  • 2014年7月21日 - "undefined" && $.browser.msie == 1)) { alert("Please ...
    javascript - Detect if any kind of IE (MSIE) - Stack Overflow
  • Jquery check if browser is IE Ask Question up vote 7 down vote favorite 4 How would i chec...
    javascript - Jquery check if browser is IE - Stack Overflow
  • Cross-Browser Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE, Safari, Android, iOS, and more What is jQuery? jQ...
    jQuery - Official Site
  • 2013年1月16日 - jQuery 从1.9 版开始,移除了$.browser 和$.browser.version , 取而代之的是$.support 。 在更新的2.0 ...
    jQuery 1.9 移除了$.browser 的替代方法– Fwolf's Blog
  • A jQuery plugin for browser detection. ... Returns true if the current useragent is some v...
    jquery.browser - npm
  • The $.browser property provides information about the web browser that is accessing the pa...
    jQuery.browser | jQuery API Documentation
  • version added: 1.3 jQuery.support Ajax Global Ajax Event Handlers Helper Functions Low-Lev...
    jQuery.support | jQuery API Documentation
  • 2013年2月15日 - $.browser was deprecated in version 1.3 and removed in 1.9 .... It has the t...
    version - browser.msie error after update to jQuery 1.9.1 - Stack Overflow
  • 我用了一點簡單的範例來顯示目前瀏覽器的 userAgent 及 jQuery.browser.version,接著在 IE 6~8 中測試,但其中顯示的結果還真是讓錯愕咧! 從結果...
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  • 2009年9月11日 - 這幾天在幫小神童弄作品集時發現,IE 還真是讓設計師恨的牙癢癢的東西,且現在已經有,IE 6, ,IE 7 及,IE 8 等三種不同版本的瀏覽器,且都有...
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